A wide range of  tax collection services : TypesTrucks
A wide range of  tax collection services : TypesTrucks

A wide range of  tax collection services : TypesTrucks

The tax service center is ready to answer questions about taxation.

Since the past 2006 years, Indonesian taxation has progressed in the field of service with the establishment of a tax service center. This service is called Tax Kring, which was established by Presidential Decree No. 03 of 2006 on the Investment Climate Policy Package.

It is undeniable that the presence of Kring Pajak is very useful for those who want to ask everything about taxation.

So far, there are still many people who disobey taxes, not because they don’t want to pay taxes. It’s just that they don’t understand the payment mechanism and the types of taxes they have to pay. However, with this service, people can ask questions freely.

Inquiries through this service are also more convenient and efficient , because you do not need to come to the tax office and wait in line for a long time, just by phone you can ask more things, both privately and exclusively. Anytime, anywhere, as long as it is within working hours, this service is reliable.

In addition to asking about taxation, the tax service center through Kring Pajak can also be used.  When you run into trouble when paying taxes If you still don’t know much about this service, we will describe it as a solution to the problem of taxation.

A wide range of  tax collection services

This form of service from the Tax Service Center is an effort by the Director-General of the Revenue Department (DGT) to make taxation in Indonesia open and accessible to all levels of society. Accordingly, the DGT launched Tax Kring in accordance with the Regulations of the Director-General of the Revenue Department, Tax Number PER-22/PJ/2014.

With the launch of the service, then all walks of life can contact the tax office at the number 500200.  Revenue, VAT collection, land and building taxation, to questions about tax returns and how to calculate them.

Kring Pajak provides two types of services for you. The first service is inbound, which provides information, complaints and communications of all types of agents. The second service is out-of-office service or calling an agent to meet with a client to solve a tax problem.

As technology advances, you can not only contact tax representatives by phone. However, it can also be online through the official website of the complaints.pajak.go.id, email or fax. Not only that, you can now contact the official tax representative via live chat.

  1. Online Tax Hikes

This official service is here to help the tax service in Indonesia, as the telephone line service alone is insufficient and cannot meet all the needs of the community for tax services.

The Director-General of the Revenue Department has therefore added this tax call center service through an online service. This is expected to maximize tax services in Indonesia.

To enjoy online tax services You need to access the website pengaduan.pajak.go.id and create an account on the website. Once you’ve successfully created your account, you can  disclose your questions and complaints about taxes. then You need to wait for a response from the authorities.

  1. Live chat tax buzzer

The live chat tax ring was created with the aim of making it easier for comptrollers to report their annual tax returns. In addition, the Service provides other information on all matters relating to official complaints and any complaints.

With this service, tax issues are more accessible and asked by everyone. Tax disclosure is also more accessible to everyone without hesitation.

This is especially true for young people who prefer chat services because they will be lazy to go to the tax office if they only ask about basic things. However, these basic things are very important to know.

Complaints and counseling through Tax Kring

As explained earlier, the tax call center service can handle various types of complaints and consulting facilities regarding mandatory taxation for all Indonesians.  Complaints that can be submitted include:

  1. About tax facilities and infrastructure  This is very common because sometimes there are facilities and infrastructure in the tax service in question. In fact, it interferes with your comfort.
  2. Performance of revenue office employees The performance of employees will greatly affect the reputation of the office and the type of service. Moreover, if in the field of taxation is quite delicate.
  3. Violations of the Code of Ethics and criminal acts committed by DGT employees, the offense in question can be criminal. For example, you were blackmailed by a DGT employee.

At the same time, the consultations that you can  convey through tax kring are:

  1. How to access all tax collection services This often happens to ordinary people in the field of taxation, and they do not understand how to use all the services provided.
  2. Measures for tax administration

Advantages of tax collection services

This face-to-face tax call center service offers several benefits to depositors compared to  a one-on-one direct service. This advantage is derived from Kring Pajak.

The following are the advantages possessed by Kring Pajak:

  1. Save a lot of time because you don’t have to come directly to the tax office and wait in line for a long time. What’s more, if you A busy schedule every day, of course, you do not want to spend time at the tax office. Therefore, the presence of Kring Pajak is very useful.
  2. The information is accurate because it comes from the official tax authorities, so all the information provided is guaranteed to be accurate.
  3. The result of calculating the amount of taxation is guaranteed to be accurate, since the calculation is carried out according to the applicable rules. If you go to the tax office in person

International Kring Tax Awards You Should Know

The program is one of the most advanced tax call centre services in the world and has had a huge impact on Indonesia’s taxation. This is certainly not just nonsense, because various awards at international events are awarded by this service.

This DGT innovation won the Best Contact Center Award from the Indonesian Contact Center Association in 2013, not only that , Kring Pajak also ranked first in the Top Ranking Performers Contact Center World APAC competition in Singapore.

At this event, Kring Pajak won the best customer service award-small. The next international success was that this Indonesian-owned tax call center won the World APAC’s Highest-Ranked Customer Service Center award in Las Vegas the same year.

Even in this event, one of the teams from the taxation service was able to receive a silver medal. This is very proud of Indonesia because it offers reliable and respected services all over the world.

Kring Pajak, with all its service innovations, makes Indonesians more concerned about taxes. Ease of access and good service make everyone feel comfortable submitting complaints and conducting consultations.

Tax Call Center Service  It also proved to be very educational to the public. So, you don’t need to hesitate anymore to contact Kring Pajak through all the available platforms.


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